First I would like to emphasize that I am no author,just someone who is concerned about where this great nation is headed. Politics has taken over what this great nation was established on the right to make our own choices for our selves. We need to get back to letting the populace decide what is right for us and not so much the government. The constitution was put in place so that government would not be such a big player in our lives. The decisions need to be kept at the state levels because no one knows more about the populace than the states that you are living in.
That being said we need to come together as Americans and decide what will or will not work for us. As a small business owner I struggle on a daily basis on what I need to do to keep my customers happy. Our politicians should be doing the same thing, keeping the people who elected them happy and listening to what we have to say. It seems to me most of them have forgotten that they work for us and not the lobbyists who line their pockets. Every one of them takes an oath to the office and to us, but that seems to be immediately forgotten. We need to make them accountable to their actions. Pick up the phone,write letters, or email them.
I am not publishing this just to vent. I am extremely saddened to see what our destiny holds for us. We need to get back to having great pride in this country. The US has always been looked at as a leader in this world in so many ways. But now we are sometimes looked at as a weak country for the decisions we have made. Exceptionalism is something we need to go back to. We have lost so much of our industries by decisions made that have pushed companies out of the country. I could go on for ever but you get the jist of this article. Lets come together as Americans not the right or the left just people who care about this country.
See my Google Plus profile here: gary harrington
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